

Be a Social Brewdist

Brewdists are social people. It is the duty of a Brewdist to be overly outspoken while participating in Brewdist ways. It is important to seek out and embrace new experiences and situations in which Brewdism can apply. A true Brewdist will possess proficiency to adapt to any circumstance accordingly. Living life to the fullest and sharing the joy of Brewdism with everyone is the way of a true Brewdist. Although some events and situations will seem to be Brewdist-free, a true social Brewdist will find a way to discretely or strategically partake. However, there are activities in which alcohol is strictly prohibited such as operating motor vehicles and other risky endeavors, yet this does not mean one cannot celebrate the survival, and do so with vigor. Celebrate each and every day as if it were the last, and do so with as many people as possible. The more lives one knows and understands the more consciousness one will have.

Know One's Inner Brewda | Be A Social Brewdist | Be A Humble Brewdist | Find Your Well | Educate | Use Your Words | Excel In Life | Efficiency